Julianne Moore hates 1950s style clothes

Actress Julianne Moore hates wearing 1950s style clothes because she doesn't have the body to carry that classic look.

"I don't like '50s clothes. I wear them in movies, or they appear on the runway, ladylike waists and all that. I'm like 'No!" Julianne told Instyle magazine.

She added: "I hate them on me because I have no waist. I go straight up and down."

However, the 50-year-old actress prefers the style of the 1970s, reports femalefirst.co.uk

"I remember a Life magazine photo of a girl with long hair, in jeans, no make-up, hair very loose and I thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world. Very '70s. That has stayed with me my entire life," she said.
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