Miley Cyrus: "I make many mistakes"

Miley Cyrus thinks that the only way to learn is when mistakes, so we want to make many errors. Not all Miley also comments on his upcoming visit to Peru.

The fans of Peru must be super excited for the visit Miley Cyrus on May 1, so El Comercio interviewed him the singer of "The Climb", I think might be interested in reading the interview, so I will leave some parts.

The name of your latest album is "Tamed (tamed). Is this how you feel? "I put that name to the album to take this message around the world. I also tried to be something that can be played on the radio. I think what you really want to convey is that no one can tell you how to be or how to act. May you be yourself? "

In the video for that song Miley can see a different, without the innocence that used to have. Is this the image you want to say now: "Not that I have wanted that, it just can not write a song that says" You can not domarme "without having to project this image or have a negative response from people. I'm always the one I want to be, not as others want it to be. It would be contradictory. "

Many wonder why you left the 'look' of an innocent child, "We wanted the video as well. I really love how it turned out, even though they say he has a hidden message. It's just a sexy video, that's all people should see. "

What is the message you give? "To be free, not be tamed and to ignore what people say, escape it. I think no one should let the judge for what he has done. "

Driving “Saturday Night Live" a few weeks ago. Acted like Justin Bieber and spoke sarcastically of your detractors. "We were laughing at what people say about you?" Yes, definitely. What I tried was to laugh at things that are happening to me. Everyone is taking what I do too seriously.

On "SNL" what I meant was that I am not afraid to commit errors. I think everyone can see that my life is very intense and they do a large roll of it, when they should calm down and have a good time. Should laugh at themselves when they make errors“.

Do not you think you've made yourself errors? "Yes, I made errors. But do not think they were more than what everybody else. Moreover, I make many errors because it is the only way to learn and because I'll have a good life experience. People can say that television is ephemeral and give much importance to that's fine, but one has to live their lives and others have to live yours. They should not put anyone's life on the altar. "

Do you have a problem with that (his private life)? "It is not a subject that I love to talk, but it is my life after all. I am only an actress when I'm on the set; my job is to be wrong all the time. Therefore, I must be myself. "

Do you think that fame is dangerous? "Yes. Especially on the Internet. The Internet comments hurt me. Literally, on the Internet feel much evil and many negative things. The only thing I can do is disconnect to be OK. "

Are you excited about your upcoming concert in Peru? "I have not heard from her music, but I have the urge. I'll go now and I'll have some days off, so I'll have the opportunity to do some sightseeing. "

What would you say to fans waiting for you in Lima? "I can not stifle her desire to see them, will be a fun show."

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