Prince William 'bans beer from royal wedding'

Prince William and Kate Middleton have reportedly banned the consumption of beer at their wedding reception.

Guests will be served champagne and wine after beer was deemed to be unsuitable for such a prestigious occasion, The Mirror reports.

A source said: "There won't be any beer. Let's face it, it isn't really an appropriate drink to be serving in the Queen's presence at such an occasion. It was always their intention to give their guests a sophisticated experience and they have chosen the food and drink with this in mind."

The pair have apparently agreed to stay sober throughout the celebrations in order to savour their special day.

Canapés expected to be served at the event include quail's eggs with celery salt, mini Yorkshire puddings with roast beef and mini sausage rolls.

The royal wedding takes place on Friday April 29 and will be streamed live on YouTube.

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