Wills, Kate ­'to honeymoon on Great Barrier Reef'

Prince William and Kate ­Middleton are reportedly planning to honeymoon on the Great Barrier Reef of Australia.

According to the Sunday Mirror, the couple will visit Lizard Island - a national park in the Coral Sea off the coast of Queensland. The destination is a one-hour flight from Cairns.

Speaking of his honeymoon last month, William hinted that they could visit Australia: "I love scuba diving. I have always wanted to dive the [Great] Barrier Reef," he said. "I will have to come back - maybe we'll have a honeymoon in Cairns?"

Front-of-house manager of the resort Adam Grace said: "The best thing about Lizard Island is its ­location, its diving and its snorkelling on the Great Barrier Reef. Lizard Island is a great place for ­honeymooners. There are pictures of Prince Charles when he stayed here as a young man, so it's possible he has recommended it."

Kate Hudson, Charlize Theron, Teri Hatcher and Tiger Woods have all holidayed on the island in the past. The royal couple are expected to fly first class on a British Airways flight.

They will take the trip after spending their wedding night in the Belgian Suite in Buckingham Palace.

The royal wedding will take place on Friday.

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