The fan of Miley Cyrus . What attack speak?

THROUGHOUT the day II was reading news on this subject some, and very FEW sources That I Have Not Discussed visit as What Happened to “attack "The fan of Miley Cyrus . What attack speaks? She only meets to be favorite star, nothing more.

DURING a concert singer Offering Who Was Miley Cyrus Melbourne, Australia, a fanatic could not control the urge to be as close as possible to their favorite singer, and Evading security, managed to climb on stage to hug Miley . Maybe I took seriously the theme of "The Climb" from the singer.

The fanatic that calculation is a girl about 14 or 15 years WAS Quickly Thrown to the ground by a security team member, but first STI Achieved Objective: Touching Miley Cyrus and standing beside her.

Once the fanatic WAS reduced, Miley racks After WAS taken something from happening to Prevent Immediately. Logically, then continue with the concert, while I said: "I've never been so grateful to have fans to jump down my back from the stage. The next song goes out to all my crazy fans are out there and That They is amazing ".

Here I leave two videos. The first is the time of the So-Called “attack "And the second is the moment Miley historical addresses fans. Once They See the video, sure agree with me an exaggeration to That Was describes the arrival of fanatic the stage.

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