monkey kong - iPhone 640x960 by lifewithcacao on Flickr.King...

blue line; kuwait 2011

vege truck, shoppers; kuwait 2011

chevy van 30; kuwait 2011

Barbara Walters had done a story on gender roles in Kuwait several years before the Gulf War, and she noted then that women customarily walked about 10 feet behind their husbands.

She returned to Kuwait after the war and observed that the men now walked several yards behind their wives.

Ms Walters approached one of the women for an explanation. “This is marvelous,” she said. “What enabled women here to achieve this reversal of roles?”

The Kuwaiti woman replied, “Land mines.”.

healthy oatmeal pancakes; kuwait 2011

untitled by rnuk on Flickr.

[Global Voices] Kuwait: Shia Twitter User Arrested :

The news took the Kuwaiti cyber space by storm on the morning of June 10 suggesting that Abul was arrested by state security police for threatening national security and was not allowed to see his family or his lawyer.

3 men - iPhone 320x480 by lifewithcacao on Flickr.

LWC Who said chocolate is a woman’s thing?

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