What happen to Catherine Zeta Jones when she got the Bipolar II Disorder? The Bipolar symptoms

zeta jones bipolar

What is Bipolar illness on the first place? And what are the Bipolar symptoms? Bipolar Disorder is actually a complex illness, that is why there are a lot of different symptoms appeared on the patients. However, the patient of Bipolar Disorder can be identified from the primary symptoms like dramatic and unpredictable mood swings.

All other types of Bipolar Disorder includes episodes of depression and mania. Those types are Bipolar I, Bipolar II, cyclotymic disorder, mixed bipolar and rapid cycling bipolar disorder.

Bipolar II Disorder’s symptoms like the one experienced by Catherine Zeta Jones usually can be identified with mood cycling between high and low over time.

Catherine Zeta Jones bipolar ii disorder

Bipolar Disorder can be dangerous to the patient when it comes to the complication stages. Self injury, self cutting or self mutilation or self harm is an injurious attempt to cope with overpowering negative emotions like extreme anger, high anxiety and frustration. The symptoms are usually repetitive and not simultaneously.

Bipolar Disorder sometimes can be followed by manic depressive sequence. What is the risk factor for patient like Catherine Zeta Jones when she got Bipolar II Disorder? Suicide is a very real risk for people with bipolar disorder. When they are in a manic or depressive episode, at amount 10% - 15% people with bipolar disorder would kill themselves. But the right treatment and tender love and care to the patient will greatly lowers the risk.

Let’s hope for the best for Catherine Zeta Jones and every body in the same problem like Bipolar II Disorder.

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