Samsung has added another Google Android smartphone to their range with the launch of the Samsung Galaxy i9000. The Galaxy i9000 comes with the latest version of Google Android 2.1.
The specifications seem pretty impressive, it features four inch Super AMOLED WVGA display with a resolution of 800 x 480, and has a five megapixel camera, and 1GHz processor.
The Samsung Galaxy i9000 features Samsung’s custom ’social hub’ user interface which has a range of social networking feature built in. On top of that the i9000 also features A-GPS, Bluetooth 3.0, USB 2.0, integrated 802.11 b/g/n WiFi and a micro SD card slot.
Storage comes in a choice of 8GB or 16GB as standard, and the microSD card slot will take up to 32GB microSD cards, there is also quad-band GSM and tri-band (900/1900/2100) UMTS/HSPA connectivity.
The Samsung Galaxy i9000 will feature a range of pre-loaded applications which include Swype, Layar, ThinkFree Office viewer and DLNA. Thera are no details as yet on when the i9000 will be available and no pricing information.