Looking forward to nude shoot

Olly Murs has insisted that he intends to honour his vow to pose naked if his debut single reaches number one tomorrow.

With 'Please Don't Let Me Go' looking to top the charts after comfortably outselling its nearest rival, Katy Perry's 'Teenage Dream' in the midweek update, the X Factor finalist confirmed to The Sun that he still intended to thank his supporters by bearing all in Heat magazine.

"I'm looking forward to the naked shoot," he claimed. "I promised I would do it if I got to number one. I'm not sure if everybody's going to want to see me naked but the picture will be dedicated to the fans who bought the record.

"I'll have a wax before I do it. I'm a bit hairy on the top half so I might have to trim that down. I'll also need to have a little tidy-up down below. It will make it look bigger."

The 26-year-old singer also revealed that he had called upon some showbiz friends to help him shape up in preparation for the full-frontal shoot.

"I've been texting the JLS boys. I need to get in the gym with them and tone myself up. I'd love to have a six-pack like theirs."
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