Gay Queen Nary rocks in first gay item song

Move over Malaika 'Munni Badnaam Hui' or Mallika Sherawat 'Maiya Maiya'...NARY is gonna be the new Item queen of Bollywood.

Nary, the drag queen of India has performed an absolute stunner of dance moves that will give any bollywood actress a run for her money.

A unique gay item song ATARIYA Mein, in Dunno Y, Na Jaane Kyun, considered as India's Brokeback Mountain' was shot in Goa, wherein all the gays were specially flown for the 'Gay Party'..

An insider who was present for the shoot revealed that it was very amusing to see the whole gay contingent having a party time in Goa...And NARY, considered the Queen amongst them, was acting like the 'Queen of Sheeba' with everyone at her beck and call..Infact NARY had more 'Nakras' than any bollywood queen.

She had an army of special attendants, a very special van, and all other trappings of a Queen B..

Infact after every shot, she had an attendant, who went and checked the monitor and informed her about her sizzling moves, during the shoot..And only when she checked it personally, were the other gays, dressed in drag clothes, were allowed to see it.

And NARY was very particular about her dance moves, almost to perfection...No wonder it has turned out so well, that will make the other 'Item Queens' envious of her.

Bollywood 1st gay item song 'Atariya mein' is sure gonna rock!!
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