Aperion Zona Wireless Surround Speaker System - - Designed Specifically For Wireless Surround Sound Use

These Aperion Zona Wireless Surround Speakers come with a handy USB dongle so you can hook them up to your PC for some loud surround audio joy. Sure they can also be used for a traditional Hi-Fi listening session, couch style, but why not splurge out and really damage your ears with the timeless and much loved Halo theme tune? $499.00.

Even though we designed it specifically for wireless surround sound use, we didn’t stop there! We made sure the Aperion Zona Wireless Surround Speaker System can also be used to play high fidelity music directly from a PC via its USB connector, or to send music throughout the house to any number of Zona speakers. The wireless technology automatically identifies and avoids other 2.4 GHz signals that could otherwise cause interference, so your music never takes a hit.

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