Eco Room Thermometer and “Too Hot” Water Thermometer - - Allows You to Monitor a Room’s Temperature And The Water From Your Tap

In most houses or rooms are often too warm or too cool and water that takes some time to get hot can get TOO HOT. All that wasted energy creates high utility bills.

The Eco Room Thermometer and “Too Hot” Water Thermometer allows you to monitor a room’s temperature and the water from your tap. These nifty devices let you put an energy usage reduction plan in place. Approved by the UK’s Energy Saving Trust, these thermometers help you regulate temperatures to keep babies and young children from becoming too warm or chilled.

With a list of 10 energy saving tips on the back, the room thermometer contains no harmful mercury and measures in centigrade, displaying the room temperature in 3 degree increments. A quick look shows you the correct temperature. The water thermometer also displays the temperature in centigrade and shows when it needs to be turned down.

These two devices are an easy way to help cut back on energy bills and your carbon footprint while also keeping children safe from harm during the winter.
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