Giada De Laurentiis denying of rumor

 Italian cook Giada De Laurentiis denying the Star's story that she was seen being cosy with musician John Mayer. She told that it is just a rumor but nothing.

She added more, "It is a shame a media outlet such as Star needs to rely on disgraceful lies and hide behind false anonymous 'sources' in order to entertain their readers.

"When the Star reporter approached Giada De Laurentiis on Sunday, while she was co-hosting a children's cancer fundraiser, Giada responded unequivocally that she did not see John Mayer when she was in New York for the Food and Wine Festival. Furthermore, contrary to the claims of an anonymous 'source,' at no time did Giada step foot in the Gansevoort Hotel.

"Giada indeed met John Mayer briefly at a charity event in 2007 but has not seen him since. To be clear, they are not friends and cannot even go so far as to call John Mayer an acquaintance.

"There is not a sliver of truth to Star magazine's story. It is unfortunate Star would publish these malicious untruths without reporting the fact that Giada was with her husband Todd that weekend in New York, along with their family and friends. Giada De Laurentiis and her family deserve an apology and we demand an immediate retraction."
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