The Video Screen Microscope adds some laid back tech onto the venerable laboratory tool. Now you can all cluster around the desk and gaze in admiration at the weird structure of your cat’s toenail clipping. No more having to jostle for a turn. Ah the wonders of technological advancement. Just be careful that what you stick on that slide is ready for public consumption, ‘K? $299.95.
This is the microscope that replaces the standard eyepiece with an LCD screen that displays objects at up to 1600X magnification. A built-in 5 MP digital camera captures still images or videos and displays objects on a 3-1/2″ thin-film transistor LCD at 320 x 240 resolution. The microscope’s three objective lenses (4X, 10X, or 40X) provide magnification from 40X-400X (up to 1600X when used with its 4X digital zoom).