Tracy Morgan of "30 Rock" Fame Recovering From Kidney Transplant - - Nicole Chabot, Spokesperson of Tracy Morgan

Comedy star Tracy Morgan of "30 Rock" Fame, who has long been diabetic, has undergone a kidney transplant on December 10; but he is getting back to normal life rapidly. 

Tracy Morgan will be missed in only two "30 Rock" episodes airing in March as a result of his kidney transplant surgery. In fact, he was seen at a New York Knicks basketball game very recently, which is further proof of his swift recovery. 

Morgan, 42, was detected with diabetes in 1996 and is the second cast member of “30 Rock” to undergo a kidney transplant following Grizzwald Chapman, who had the same procedure earlier this year. 

Nicole Chabot, spokesperson of Tracy Morgan told media, “Tracy is doing well and taking some much needed time to recover after the surgery and he is looking forward to going back to work after the holidays.'
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