Amber portwood naked photos sooo sexy soo hot

Troubled Teen Mom star Amber Portwood says she is devastated over the nude photo scandal she's involved in and never intended for the pic to get out.

Mmm hmm.

A good way to prevent such a thing? DON'T LET PEOPLE PHOTOGRAPH YOU NAKED. Especially when you're kind of a celebrity. Crazy advice, right?

The photo of Amber Portwood nude is unquestionably her - the tattoo of Leah/the kid from Two and a Half Men is unmistakable - and leaked today.

Amber Portwood says she's doing her best to stay positive.

"I'm devastated that these photos were stolen from my phone and sold by someone I trusted," Portwood told MTV. "It makes me sad that anyone would do this, and I'm horrified that something so private is being shared publicly."

"It's been a difficult year, and I just want to focus on what's important in my life - my daughter," said Amber, who faces felony battery charges.

The racy shots, reportedly taken a few weeks ago, feature Gary Shirley's baby mama flaunting her arse and caressing her stomach seductively.

Spoiler alert: It's not super hot.
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