Ill Cancel 3, Taylor Swift Concert


Taylor Swift Hot Singer

Taylor Swift was forced to cancel a scheduled her concert in three locations, as a result of illness contracted bronchitis. Due to the deteriorating health conditions, chanter ' Love Story ' is even cancel his show in Kentucky, several hours before the scheduled appearance.

As reported by the cancellation of the concert FemaleFirst, is the first time for Swift. This 21 year old woman feel sad can appear in front of his fans in Charlotte and Atlanta, last weekend.

She was also forced to suspend three other concerts will be held in North Carolina and Georgia. Doctors recommend Swift for not doing heavy activity before her health fully recovers.

"I am sad to lose a moment on the show this weekend with my friends in Charlotte and Atlanta. I'm not going to cancel the concert if my physical condition allows. I sincerely apologize to my fans, "he said.

Taylor Swift was hoping her health soon recovered and was filmed in Montreal, Canada, July 14, 2011, be fulfilled smoothly, without a hitch. 

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