Treadmill Bicycle by the Bicycle Forest - - Your Health Partner Without Paying Expensive Gym Prices

It’s perhaps the best of both worlds. The Treadmill Bicycle gives you the benefit of a treadmill while your tooling around enjoying the spring weather. Built with rugged design and all-terrain tires, this 2-wheeled wonder will take you anywhere a standard bicycle will and give you a great cardiovascular workout and the burn of that walking treadmill you’ve got a love-hate relationship in the gym.

Use it for shopping, going to and from work, or any other tasks you normally use a car for. You’re sure to get some envious and startled looks looks from passers by. Available from Bicycle Forest , this next evolution of transportation isn’t cheap. At a whopping CA$2,500 start saving those nickels and dimes!

Have you ever wished you could get a quality treadmill workout without paying expensive gym prices? Look no further than the Treadmill Bike by the Bicycle Forest. The Treadmill Bike offers the same fat burning benefits of a conventional treadmill without the membership fees!

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